Why I get 404 after getRequestDispatcher forward

15 Apr 2015

Start from Spring Security

Last year I upgraded acegi to Spring Security. When authentication fails, Spring Security will redirect the request.

 <sec:form-login login-page='/login'
             username-parameter="username" password-parameter="password"

 <bean id="authenticationFailureHandler"

The redirect is done in LoginFailureHandler.

	public void onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
	                                    AuthenticationException exception) throws IOException, ServletException {
		getRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response, url)

Ideally, we should send forward to some internal struts action to do post-authentication stuff. Business logic shouldn’t be added to authenticationFailure/authenticationSuccess handler. Instead, struts needs to proceed the request and send response both when authentication fails or succeeds.

However, if we use request.getRequestDispatcher('postLogin.action').forward(request, response), we get 404 error. Server complains that it cannot find any mapper to handle /postLogin.action. However, this action exists for sure.

My previous assumption is that this is about forwarding request from Spring to Struts. At that point, I had no time to dig more into this. So redirect was used

Not Spring Security Only

Recently, we’re making a big change of authentication. One thing is to change /login.html to /login. Under the hood, /login is filtered and forward to login.action. Struts then renders the result depending on the url parameters.

We then got the 404 again when forwarding /login to login.action. A quick solution is forwarding to login.jsp instead of using struts. But this time, I’d like to look into this issue.

All about filter mapping

I found below in servlet 3.0 spec.

By using the new element in the deployment descriptor, the developer can indicate for a filter-mappingwhether he would like the filter to be applied to requests when:

  1. The request comes directly from the client. This is indicated by a element with value REQUEST, or by the absence of any elements.
  1. The request is being processed under a request dispatcher representing the Web component matching the or using a forward()call. This is indicated by a element with value FORWARD.

<dispather> is not added to struts filter mapping. That means struts won’t handle any request forwarded internally. Solution is as below.


If those actions are only internally avaiable, they can be protected in spring authenticate config.