Setup angular4 environment using vagrant and ubuntu in Win10

19 Jul 2017

install nodejs

The nodejs provided by Ubuntu 16.04 is 4.x which is obsolete. If you searched ubuntu + nodejs, a lot of guys tell you to download the tar and compile the source. Then you have to edit the profile to add node to the path. It turns out having nodejs only, no npm.

Finally I got this, the offical guide line from nodejs github.

curl -sL | sudo -E bash - 
 sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

setup git

I copied my private/public keys to vagrant ~/.ssh directly. When I pull the code from github, it says Bad owner or permissions on ~/.ssh/config. Obviously the rw permissions are incorrect. Below command fixes the problem.

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
 chmod 400 ~/.ssh/private_key
 chmod 400 ~/.ssh/public_key

Don’t forget to set core.autocrlf to input. It makes sure the line endings are converted to lf when you commit. On the other hand, you should set it to true in Windows when doing collabrative work. here for further reference.

git config --global core.autocrlf input

vagrant specific issue

When running npm start for angular-quickstart, I always get below error

sh: 1: tsc: not found

This is because there’s no tsc command in node_modules/.bin. When you run npm install, it adds symlink to that folder so that it can use tsc directly in package.json instead of using the full path ./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc. However, the project folder is shared between my Win10 and vagrant Ubuntu. It’s impossible to place a symlink in a shared folder. I use --no-bin-links when running npm install.

2 solutions, either moving the project to unshared folder inside vagrant OR using full path in package.json. 3rd option is to install those package gloablly which is too much.